It was the first day of the new school year but this early morning was just like any other. Theresa was awake before the alarm went off. Another night of little sleep and where the nightmares seemed to only be getting worse. It was still completely quiet at Gothfield manor. Everyone was asleep and the sun was still not up. She went outside and breathed in the cold morning air. Following her routine she put on her music and went on a morning jog.
Lester had breakfast ready when Theresa came back from her jog. Lester the imp didn’t speak much but he always had a smile on his face. She had always thought it was because he was just happy to have a place to live but her grandmother never told her the actual story of how they met. He was really good at cooking though, even the oatmeal he made her tasted good. After getting ready she waved goodbye, jumped on her grandmother’s broom and was off to school.
As a member of the student council her job on the first day was to help make sure new students would be able to find their classes. Although she was really good at riding a broom there were many witches who had never used one or didn’t know how to use one so she headed over to the bus stop. The floating bus worked the same way as a personal broom but was so much bigger with a platform built around it. She got to work pointing all the students to the school and asking if anyone needed any help.
After several buses she heard a commotion. One of the girls on the bus jumped off and ran to her. “Help my friend!” she shouted as she pointed across the street.
There was a group of girls kicking a girl on the floor. She ran across the street shouting at them to stop but they ran off before she could get a look at who they were. She thought about chasing them but she decided to help the girl instead. She helped the girl to her feet and introduced herself. The girl’s name was Deneb, an ordinary witch at first glance but it was odd that the girl was smiling after what just happened.
“You are hurt. Let me take you to the nurse’s office.” Theresa offered but the girl refused. “It’s ok I don’t want to be late to my first class.” She said as she brushed the dirt off of her uniform. She had a small mark on her cheek where she was probably hit but besides that she looked alright.
“Well at least let me help you two find your home room.” They showed Theresa their schedules and she lead them there. The two girls had the same home room.
“I am sorry about what happened. This school is supposed to be a safe place for us witches to practice our magic but it seems some people still do not understand that. This school is the oldest here in Poison Oak. It is over 200 years old and has a big reputation to keep. I just wish other students would realize that.
She came to a stop on the second floor of the west wing. “Looks like this is the room.”
“Even though you already got off to a rough start. I want to welcome you to Sybil Camelli. This really is the best place to learn magic. I hope the rest of the day goes well for both of you”. Donna and Deneb shouted a loud “Thank you!” as she walked away.
On the first day of school members of the student council have a meeting instead of homeroom. It was always freezing in the large chamber that was home to the student council. As soon as Theresa walked in she knew something was wrong. The other members were whispering to themselves while observing her. It was a familiar sight and as usual she ignored them then lifted her chin up and walked straight ahead. Her footsteps echoed as she approached the large desk near the window.
“Take a seat.” The student council president spoke in a cold tone. Mark was always clean shaven and proper but today the charisma he normally displayed was not showing. “Theresa, you have been a good student council member this past year and I appreciate all the hard work you have put into this position.”
He paused to prop up his glasses.
“However, we have decided that we can not allow a witch from a disgraced family on this council. It will set a bad example for the student body if we allow a disgraced witch to become a full member. You have been a hard worker this past year and I wanted to give you a chance but the rest of the council has come to a decision. This year you will not be on this council. I am removing you from this position effective immediately.”
“Coward.” Theresa replied. “You can not even bring yourself to look me in the eyes right now.”
Theresa stood up.
“I have not renounced my position. Let it be known that all of you have decided this against my will. As usual I will have to be the one to pay for your spinelessness. Goodbye Mark. You have lost my last bit of respect for you. As she walked out she could hear Mark sigh under his breath. “I know.”
The rest of the day was a slow blur. She just wanted to go home but she still had to show up and introduce herself to her new teachers. She went through the motions but she no longer introduced herself as a member of the student council. She couldn’t really bring herself to care about anything. It wasn’t until lunch that she could take a breather.
From the top of the bell tower Theresa could see students sitting and eating their lunch out on the field. It was nice weather. The sun was out and the clouds were moving fast. The breeze felt good and it calmed her down. She liked climbing the stairs to the top. It was always quiet there since she was one of the few with the key to enter. She took a pair of scissors and put it to the student council badge she had sewn on to the sleeve of her uniform.
She cut it off then placed it on the floor. She crouched down next to it and let out a sigh. “A simple fire spell should do it.” She said to herself. Then a small and slow burning fire lit up the patch. She watched the fire engulf the badge and thought to herself if the last year had meant anything.
“Wow! You can cast fire magic?!” Deneb’s loud voice made Theresa jump right up to her feet. She turned to see Deneb and Donna at the edge of the stairs. “How did you get in here?!” Theresa asked in a surprised voice. “Well we were looking for a place to eat when we saw an open door with some stairs. We wanted to see what was at the top.” Deneb explained. “Are we not supposed to be up here?” Donna added.
“Well… normally I would say no, but today I think no one cares.” Theresa replied. Plus she remembered that she had forgotten to lock the door behind her so it was her fault to begin with. Deneb asked “Did you eat yet? My mom made some extra pesto sandwiches in case I made some new friends. Do you want one?” Without waiting to hear the answer Deneb and Donna sat down under the bell. They unpacked their lunches and started eating. Deneb handed a sandwich to Theresa.
“Thank you.” She said. Then she took a bite.